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French language

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  1. 1. Learning journey
  2. 2. Challenges
These learning experiences explore a variety of suggested learning intentions.

Challenge 1

Learners will explore the vocabulary required to describe the features of the face through a variety of activities. Attention should be drawn to the different articles, their meaning and relation to the noun gender and number.PDF: Challenge 1 - La tete, les epaules, les genoux, les doigts de pied (177 KB)

Challenge 2

This challenge builds on the first with learners now being able to describe the different parts of the body. A range of activities similar to the first challenge can be used to develop this set of vocabulary. Learning the song 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' is a good activity for reinforcement.

PDF: Challenge 2 - Beetle Drive (155 KB)PDF: Challenge 2 - Draw a monster (277 KB)

Challenge 3

Using the e-book as a stimulus, learners will go on to extend their vocabulary required to name and describe animals. There are plenty of suggested activities to introduce these words such as matching activities and team challenges.

PDF: Challenge 3 - Matching activity (225 KB)PDF: Challenge 3 - Team challenge (148 KB)

Challenge 4

This challenge introduces French vocabulary that allows them to ask questions such as 'Where?' or 'What? Flashcard activities, mime and the e-book can all be used to introduce the meaning of the questions.

PDF: Challenge 4 - Ou es-tu? (227 KB)PDF: Challenge 4 - Question activities (233 KB)PDF: Challenge 4 - What's the time Mr Wolf? (271 KB)

Challenge 5

Using all the vocabulary learned in the previous challenges, learners are encouraged to extend their vocabulary to be able to adapt and write a script about the animals that feature in the e-book. Learners will rearrange the images from the story then match the phrase. They will then work in groups to produce their own script and possibly a performance.

PDF: Challenge 5 - Images from the Aye Aye story (427 KB)PDF: Challenge 5 - Phrases from Aye Aye story (98 KB)