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Vocabulary for France

Here are the French names of the places you might visit in Paris.

l’Arc de Triomphe = the Arc de Triomphe

l’Obélisque = the Obelisk

Place de l'Étoile = the Square of the Star

la Seine = the Seine

la Tour Eiffel = the Eiffel Tower

le Jardin du Luxembourg = the Luxembourg Gardens

le Louvre = the Louvre

le Musée d’Orsay = the d'Orsay Museum

le Pont Alexandre III = the Alexander III Bridge

le Tombeau du Soldat Inconnu = the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

les Champs Elysées = the Elysian Fields

Phrases to help you talk about places to visit.

à = at

À Paris il y a… = In Paris there is....

À Paris qu’est-ce qu’il y a? = What is there in Paris?

qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans…? = what is in…?

il y a = there is/are

Remember 'Il y a' can mean both there is and there are.