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Vocabulary for France

Numbers 1-20

un = one

deux = two

trois = three

quatre = four

cinq = five

six = six

sept = seven

huit = eight

neuf = nine

dix = ten

onze = eleven

douze = twelve

treize = thirteen

quatorze = fourteen

quinze = fifteen

seize = sixteen

dix-sept = seventeen

dix-huit = eighteen

dix-neuf = nineteen

vingt = twenty

Numbers 21-29

vingt et un = twenty-one

vingt-deux = twenty-two

vingt-trois = twenty-three

vingt-quatre = twenty-four

vingt-cinq = twenty-five

vingt-six = twenty-six

vingt-sept = twenty-seven

vingt-huit = twenty-eight

vingt-neuf = twenty-nine

Numbers 30-100

trente = thirty

quarante = forty

cinquante = fifty

soixante = sixty

soixante-dix = seventy

quatre-vingts = eighty

quatre-vingt-dix = ninety

cent = one hundred