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The design brief asks learners to create a street that represents Rue Yacoubian from The Hungry Cat story. The finished design will be used as a visual aid for re-telling the story

PDF: Technologies passport challenge (183 KB)

As a class, learners could devise a list of success criteria for their street, for example:

  • length of the street
  • shops must be in correct order from the story
  • materials that can be used
  • names of shops must be in French and English
  • 3D nets must be used to make the shops

 Within their groups, learners could:

  • Plan the layout their street
  • Construct their street using an agreed range of materials. For example, cardboard, paper, paint, etc
  • Use 3D nets in order to create the buildings

Learners could devise questions to help decide how effective their design is, for example:

  • Does it fulfil the success criteria?
  • Does your design include the shops’ names in the story?
  • Is it realistic in appearance?
  • Could it be improved in any way?

After peer and self assessment, pupils should have the opportunity to reflect and modify their street.