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  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Challenges

Learners will use the PowerPoint presentations that feature the opinions of Aude, Assouan, Nyanga, Tatakoto and Menabe - the children who appear in the Passeport pour la Francophonie website - to think about space exploration as a context for the suggested learning opportunities.

The slides can be printed and each group given a different child's point of view to work on. Once they have worked out the French, each group should be prepared to share their findings with the rest of the class, who can take notes. 

With a focus on current space research, learners will consider the opinions and compare and contrast this with their own and those of others in Scotland. They will develop an awareness of how scientific and technological advancements have allowed scientists to discover more about space and our planet. The impacts of space research on global communication should be considered and learners encouraged to negotiate their own success criteria and use this to evaluate the final debate.

These learning experiences offer opportunities for links with social studies challenges as learners will consider the impact of space travel. It also allows for numeracy in the analysis of surveys.

Download the sciences overview document for

  • links to experiences and outcomes
  • more ideas for learning experiences
  • suggested evidence for assessment
PDF: Sciences overview (404 KB)Word file: Sciences overview (1.6 MB)

Picture credit: The future of Mars as imagined by NASA in May 1985. Created by NASA and published on Flickr.