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Expressive arts

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  2. 2. Challenges
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Watch the Learn an African dance video clips. The clips demonstrate the movements for a dance set to samba drumming.

Learners can watch the whole dance routine and then learn the steps and actions step-by-step until they can perform the entire sequence.

History of African dance

African dance has traditionally played an essential role in the culture of tribes.

African dancing

African dancing has both historic and social traditions.


Watch the Learn samba drumming collection of video clips which teaches the rhythms and beats of samba drumming.

Learners can try putting together their own performance. If you don't have drums, create the beat on anything - the desk, the chair, the wall or the floor.

African drumming lesson - marketplace

In this YouTube video, Hope Academy teaching artist Toeknee Bailey demonstrates the two rhythms that make up 'Marketplace'.

African drumming lesson - Luba

In this YouTube video, you can find out more about the rhythms that make up 'Luba'.

Masks and stories

African masks

Ideas on making African masks.

African folk tales

Read some African folk tales and fables.

Related challenge

  • Social studies challenge - Tradition and tourism

    Learning experiences and resources for second level on Education Scotland's Passeport pour la Francophonie website to examine a traditional Gabonese mask in the National Museum of Scotland and its relevance today.