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Sciences and technologies

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  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Challenges
  3. 3. Resources

Learners will use the Gabon e-book as a context for the suggested learning opportunities.

With a focus on sciences and technologies learners will use internet search engines and other sources to research and investigate musical traditions in Gabon, especially traditional instruments. This will lead on to an opportunity to investigate music, with an emphasis on sound production. Learners will be given the opportunity to design and construct their own instrument, inspired by those of Gabon. Playing their instrument will give learners an opportunity to explore and explain the way that sound is produced and travels, for example, by altering the size of the drum the difference in pitch can be investigated.

These learning opportunities promote links with the expressive arts challenges and there are opportunities to link with the STEM Central learning materials on the context of sound.

PDF: Sciences and technologies overview (275 KB)Word file: Sciences and technologies overview (1.5 MB)