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Join the journey round La Francophonie

Hi there. My name's Angus.

Please come with me on an exciting journey!

Together we will meet some of my friends and explore their fascinating, faraway lands.

If you look on the map you'll meet:

Question: What do all these countries have in common?
Answer: They are all official members of La Francophonie.

What's La Francophonie?

It's an international family of more than 40 countries where either lots of people speak French, or where French culture and language has a big impact on the way people live. There are more than 150 million Francophones - that's people who speak French - across the world.

Start the learning journey

Start the learning journey by enjoying the stories and videos about each country. They have lots of fascinating facts.

Teachers can use the challenges to help classes learn new French words... and develop other knowledge about all sort of other things, like myths and legends, history, science, technology, geography and arts.

And everyone can have a go at listening to the French words, speaking French with each other, then checking what they've learnt by playing the games.

There's also the opportunity to investigate how different languages are connected and how literacy extends across learning. For example, do you know which Scottish words come from French?

Most of all, learners have fun discovering wonderful cultures and amazing people from the French-speaking world.

Bon voyage mes amis!