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5 facts about the British student who studies abroad

29 October 2019 (Study International)

More British students are going abroad than ever before. According to Universities UK International’s (UUKi) report, 18,510 UK-domiciled graduates have gone abroad for at least one period as an undergraduate, representing 7.8 percent of the 2016−17 graduating cohort. In the previous cohort, only 16,580 students did the same.

Historically a privilege left to a wealthy few, now more British students are able to reap the benefits of an international element in their higher education. They attain a more well-rounded skill set, improve cultural competencies and make global connections – the benefits of mobility are plenty and well-known by now.

But what about the British students who are spreading their wings across the world? Here are five facts and figures about the travelling British student today.


University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages