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Expressive arts

Browse this article:

  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Challenges
  3. 3. Resources

History of mime

Read this document to find out how mime developed into entertainment in ancient Greece and Rome and then into the Commedia dell'Arte in the the Middle Ages. In the 20th century mime was influenced by silent movies and the great French mime artist Marcel Marceau, and has two main types - literal and abstract.

PDF: History of mime (273 KB)

French culture

Watch a video in French about the geography, the culture and the people of France to learn more about the background to French culture and arts.

Perform a mime

This collection of video clips demonstrate how to perform mime actions like opening a umbrella and drinking a cup of tea. The collection includes two warm-up videos to get you started, introductions to some of the mime techniques and demonstrations of classic routines.

Watch mime artists

Marcel Marceau Sketch

Watch a clip of the French actor and mime on YouTube.

Amazing mime show

Watch a clip of a mime artist on YouTube.