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French language

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  1. 1. Learning journey
  2. 2. Challenges

These learning experiences explore a variety of suggested learning intentions.

Challenge 1: Words for family members

Explore and learn the vocabulary required to describe family members.

PDF: Challenge 1: Family of Pharoah Rameses II (139 KB)PDF: Challenge 1: Reading about families (149 KB)

Challenge 2: Brothers and sisters

Further vocabulary for learners required to describe brothers and sisters.

PDF: Challenge 2: Family mini-cards (90 KB)

Challenge 3: Words for shops

This challenge introduces learners the vocabulary of shop names.

PDF: Challenge 3: Miou's story (85 KB)PDF: Challenge 3: Qui habite où? (86 KB)PDF: Challenge 3: Shop flash cards (308 KB)PDF: Challenge 3: Shop names (23 KB)PDF: Challenge 3: Taking it further (89 KB)

Challenge 4: Describing shops and goods

Learners will build on Challenge 3 and explore the vocabulary required to describe the shops and the items that can be bought in these shops.

PDF: Challenge 4: Food flash cards (415 KB)PDF: Challenge 4: Taking it further (135 KB)

Challenge 5: Building sentences

Learners will begin to build longer sentences using verbs to express likes and dislikes.

PDF: Challenge 5: Likes and dislikes cards (117 KB)PDF: Challenge 5: Likes and dislikes (117 KB)

Challenge 6: Discussing food

Learners explore the vocabulary required to build longer sentences to discuss what foods they eat using words such as 'some' or 'any'.

PDF: Challenge 6: Dictionary challenge (128 KB)PDF: Challenge 6: Food nouns (86 KB)PDF: Challenge 6: Difference between du and le (256 KB)