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French language resources from the Institut français d'Ecosse

25 November 2015 (Institut français)

The Institut français d'Ecosse in Edinburgh offers a variety of events and resources for French language learning and teaching.  Follow the appropriate link below to find out more.

  • Primary French Ecosse - free French resources for your P1 class. Lessons cover topics such as colours, days of the week, feelings, and greetings and include a PowerPoint presentation with recorded voices, games and songs
  • French Book Day - join the team on 28 November 2015 for storytelling and activities based around the very best of children's literature in French
  • Immersion Days for S1 to S6 students - workshops can be organised at the Institut français or in your school
  • New concours de la francophonie - a student led competition for all pupils from P1 to S6
  • Dis-moi dix mots 2015-16 - resources to help explore the 10 words competition in class

For more information about the Institut français d'Ecosse and their activities, visit their website.


University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages