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A selection of language-related news. Does not claim to be comprehensive or represent the views of SCILT.

International Education Week (IEW) 2014

24 October 2014 (British Council)

International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to promote the importance of building an international dimension into the education of young people in the UK at primary and secondary levels. We know that familiarity with other cultures and modern foreign languages skills are an essential part of preparing young people to work in the increasingly globalised economy.

In 2014 International Education Week (17 - 21 November) is promoting the importance of international experience for young people in the UK. The British Council provides a number of opportunities which can start young people off on their international journey.

Find out how your school can get involved at the British Council website.


University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages